To Do in Destin Florida

Find great places to stay, eat, shop, or visit.

Find Things To Do In Destin Florida! Our goal is to connect locals and visitors to all things happening on our Emerald Coast. We cover Panama City, 30A, Destin and other surrounding areas to bring you a variety of hidden gems, well known places and brand new spots. See where to stay, the hottest places in town for nightlife, the best coffee shops, the newest restaurants, local events, water sports/activities and more. We’re also keeping you in the loop on all events happening year round!

Browse our website to find things to do in Destin Florida before you arrive or shoot us a message with your question – We’d love to help! Follow our social media for a visual day to day guide through our city, as we show you the newest spots opening up, an inside look at local events and businesses, and we answer your biggest questions about traveling to Destin, Florida.

Thanks for being here!  Take a peek around the site or follow us on social media where we post day to day updates on things happening around town.  We can’t wait to connect!